Wednesday, June 3, 2009


New Hampshire has now become the 6th State to officially legalize Same Sex Marriage. In an astonishing 198-176 house vote the bill immediately left for Governor Lynch where he signed the bill making New Hampshire a part of the Same Sex Marriage Alliance of States! ( my special term for it hehe ) Welcome New Hampshire residents to freedom to marry the consenting adult you wish! We from Vermont are proud of you all who made it happen.

Governor John Lynch Released a Statement ( Click Here )

On a personal note I am very surprised with this, as I have always thought New Hampshire to be very conservative State, but it looks like the damage to the republican party has given us some breathing room from the oppression, lets not stop the fight everyone! Our sisters and brothers are still struggling in other states and we are struggling federally! Lets continue to open the hearts and minds of those around us!


original images were taken from national geographic and nhftm